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  • Everyone should watch this, especially those who still eat meat and dairy. It's a very sad planet we live on.......
  • Not to make light of a sensitive subject.....but a few of us share a private joke at work. This guy 'John' who sits in the cubicle next to me is always yelling at his terribly misbehaved kids on the phone. From what I gather, they sound like little …
    in Birth Control Comment by JoyceH
  • Hi Evergreen! Oh my gosh that spinach masala was sooooo good! Better than I anticipated which was nice! You have a lovely blog! I enjoyed checking it out! Keep making your beautiful raw food! :-) This weekend I'm going to make Russell's stuffed vine…
  • Thanks for the kind words :-)
  • Howdy Folks!! I am reporting to let you all know that this was a wonderful recipe!!! Wow!!! Both my husband and I loved the Spinach Masala! Thanks a million Russell!!! Here is my updated blog and photo album: http://beautifullivingfood.blogspot.com/…
  • Hi SimplyRaw, Great that you'll be making the masala if time allows. I'm doing a 10K charity run for battered women tomorrow morning down at the lakefront. Hoping to be home by noon so I can make the spinach masala. And now I'll also have to squeeze…
  • Wow Evergreen, your photo is amazing!!! It looks so pretty with the sauce around it and the mango slices and currents sprinkled on top! I might do something similar but instead put jicama rice around the spinach. (I'm thinking of flavoring the jicam…
  • Hi Evergreen! So glad you made the spinach and found it to be good. Very helpful to know about it being a bit sweet. Maybe I'll cut back on the mango and raisons initially. It's always easier to add ingredients rather than take them away :-) Carmell…
  • germin8, click on the link I posted above for Carmella's spinach masala. She posted a small photo. Or just imagine some nice fresh spinach with a few mango chunks smothered in a nice creamy sauce with a bowl of cauliflower/parsnip/ or jicama rice :-…
  • Anyone want to do a 'group project' and make this on Saturday and then report back?
  • Yeah it does look really good!! Carmella Soleil from RFC made it and like it a lot. She posted the recipe with the ingredients a bit more organized (for me anyhow) http://www.rawfreedomcommunity.info/forum/showthread.php?t=324 We have a lot of raw l…
  • I second what Sausoria said above: "Being vegan is the number one thing we can do for the planet!" I read somewhere that there is no such thing as an environmentalist who still eats meat. :-)
  • Aspire, I totally can relate to your feelings! The more I learn, read and see on videos about meat consumption and animal cruelty, the more I struggle with despising humans and mankind. I sometimes joke with my husband by saying that I hope in my ne…
  • It's really so sad and terrible. I regularly donate to Peta and several other animal organizations (Humane Society US (as well as Canada & International), Farm Sanctuary, World Society for the Protection of Animals). Yet I just felt compelled to…
  • Hi Troubles, I love the relaxing effects of wine too!! :-) My husband just planted 12 grapevines that can withstand temps of -30F degrees. We won't have good wine grapes for another 3-5 years but one day we do hope to make our own wine from these vi…
  • Hi Kniteangel, Thanks so much for your post! I'm so glad to hear it was fantastic! :-) I cannot wait for the Grezzo training!! That will be exciting but intense I'm sure. I'm also looking forward to the first 3 classes in Kittery. I've been raw for …
  • Hi, I just signed up for a 4 day package of classes with Alissa Cohen. The first three are the level 1-3 which will be taught at her B&B in Kittery Maine. Then the 4th day will be a 12 hr chef training at her Grezzo Restaurant in Boston. I can't…
  • Wow, this looks great! I'd seriously come down for an event/class in Mass (or another nearby State like NH) I live in Vermont and feel it would be worth the drive down. I'd love to learn some really tasty recipes by Chris!
    in PurelyRaw USA Tour Comment by JoyceH
  • I've been high raw for a year and 9 months. I love wine and locally brewed beer. I drink wine and beer because I enjoy it. I feel fine when I drink it. I don't drink as much as I used to when I lived in Ireland playing music before being raw. I pre…
    in Alcohol Comment by JoyceH
  • Hi Pixx, Vanessa Sherwood makes a wonderful White Chocolate Strawberry cheesecake using cacao butter. To make a 9 inch cheesecake, you can double her recipe which would use 4 tablespoons of cacao butter. That's not a lot compared to a nice big chunk…
    in Cacao Butter Comment by JoyceH
  • Yes, body build is definitely important. Our neighbor's daughter is my height but weighs 130+ pounds (according to her mom) and I think she looks fantastic. She also has a different build than me. She has a more sturdy frame, and is bigger boned tha…
    in Oh no... Comment by JoyceH
  • Hiya - I just wanted to say that because body types can be so different, being underweight might mean different things for different people. I personally don't think that 115 pounds at 5' 6" is underweight. I'm about 5' 8" and I'm weighing in at 117…
    in Oh no... Comment by JoyceH
  • PS - Cranberry, your kitty pic is so cute. I love all the different animal photos people have of their beloved companions on this website :-) Yes, do let us know what you make. Give us all the juicy details!! :-D Have a great weekend! Joyce
  • oooh, yes I second Ani's cheesecake. It's a lovely recipe and all the ingredients are easily found in a health food store or co-op. And sdnulty's suggestion to add fruit sounds great!! Ani just came out with a new raw dessert book!!! I ordered it fr…
  • Hi Sid23, I think we posted at the same time :-) Wow, I'm not sure what my favorite is. So many good recipes! If you go onto the Raw Freedom Community, there's an e-book you can obtain by making a donation. It's totally worth it and has some gorgeou…
  • Hello, Yup, I love making raw desserts :-) And what a lovely way to celebrate your B-day by making a raw cake. I made Cafe Gratitude's tiramisu cake for my b-day back in March. Here's my dessert photo album and blog http://picasaweb.google.com/jhols…
  • I just sent this link to someone at the Farm Sanctuary in upper state New York. Thanks for posting this! I also passed it on to some friends and family.
  • Once it's soaking, it can last up to a week in the fridge. I have about 1/3 of an 8oz bag that's unsoaked and it's been in my fridge for possibly 6 weeks now. It still seems ok. I'll be using some this weekend so I hope it's fine. I've heard it can …
  • Yeah cacao butter will firm up desserts as well as coconut oil. However, your desserts will taste like white chocolate which can be great. I've made several raw cheesecakes using cacao butter with great success but the white choc flavor is rather do…
  • Wow, thanks a million Cheflandria!! This is most appreciated!! Are you still making and creating lovely raw vegan food? You are certainly very talented. Best regards, Joyce