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  • I definately have!! Very slow.
  • Luna blue, I thought it was just me but yeah, the site seems to be running unusually slow for me too! Gosh, with the Rawclaire thing and everything, it keeps getting creapier and creapier… Back to the topic!!! Wanna know something funny? Ok, first o…
  • What are electrolytes? I was never sure. In fact, I was about to post a topic asking what they are!
  • This is a little off topic but why are you taking digestive enzymes? Raw foods are full of these enzymes.
  • what is it? I’ve heard of it but not sure.
  • I just got a part-time job a few days ago at a mostly natural and organic grocery store!!!
  • Are you kidding? You are VERY helpful! How do make a tincture out of it? (actually…what is a tincture?)
  • It is a helpful website, thanks shgadwa! Do you or anyone else know if dandelion greens can be eaten if they are still young (shorter and smaller leaves than the ones at grocery stores)?
  • Awe man, the recipes are using all cooked dandelion. I wish I can make the the flower syrup raw without the sugar. It would have been a great sweetener substitute.
  • Wow, thats awesome guys! When I add dandelion greens to my smoothies, I’ve never experienced a bitter taste. And I don’t add anything special to the smoothies, just basics like apples, banana…anyway, I’ll check out the website shgadwa to see if I fi…
  • Did you say they are from BC???? I’m from BC! I gotta check them out! Thanks
  • I’m making it right now and this is the third day (i think) of letting it ferment and so far, the water tastes sweet to me. Is THIS normal? I’m leaving it on the counter another day just in case. It also has a pickley tint as well as smell, slightly…
    in Rejuvelac Comment by Samilicious
  • Isn’t it ashame how they have considered including more vaccines to students in school? I’ve convinced my brother not to get his last year and I have one more year to go in high school where they ‘highly recommend’ my age group to get a few other sh…
  • doubleDlittle7 I’m sorry about your brother. I guess its up to all of us to look at the pros and cons and make a decision based on what we feel is best. shgadwa, I’m pretty much obsessed myself and I have the same career goals as you! I research alo…
  • I just got the shot and I feel wierd. Its just a reaction though, cuz I’m afraid of needles. Not as much anymore so the reaction isn’t so bad. I was grumpy and angry the entire time though, thinking about all the harmful substances going into me. Ug…
  • I personally do not trust vaccines, specifically the ones that they make students at school get every few years. Next year I will be in grade 12 and they require that we get a couple pointless shots but I’m going to refuse to get them. (Besides, I’m…
  • Thank you so much doubleDlittleZ for your reassurance and Zoe for letting me know about Thuja 30! The grocery store I will be working at has a health food department so they should have it!! I will also inform them about the homeopathic vaccinations…
  • I know, I know. But I have to take it if I want to keep this job! The story is that sometime in 2002, at another grocery store called Capers, some guy was working at the warehouse where he had to assemble meat that they distribute to all the stores.…
  • meee too!
  • The video is funny though. lol. The hotel even had those no durnian signs.
    in Durian War! Comment by Samilicious
  • I don’t get it. So is durian good or bad? Also, does the inside flesh-custard part stink or is it the outside part?
    in Durian War! Comment by Samilicious
  • Mine is from a favourite cartoon when I was little called The Magic School Bus! (Loved it). Its “Take chances! Makes mistakes! And get messy!!”
  • Raw_Chocoholic, I also have the powdered Natural Prairies brand at the moment. Does anyone know if there is anything wrong with this brand or is all MSM the same?
    in MSM questions Comment by Samilicious
  • I get my MSM from the health food store. Is there anything wrong with that? I think the powdered one that I got was the ‘Natural Prairies’ brand. Does the brand really matter?
    in MSM questions Comment by Samilicious
  • I’ve been taking it for about 3 weeks now and I don’t know if its just my diet or if its the MSM, but my skin is glooowing. Next time however, I’m going to get the capsule ones because I don’t like the bitter, face-twisting and eye-squinting taste o…
    in MSM questions Comment by Samilicious
  • But hey! Atleast it helped complete my RAW transition!!!!!!
  • I got sick from eating one tiny boiled potato from my grandma last december which I had at school for lunch. Just one and I had to leave school early because I felt TERRIBLE. I waited in the washroom until my dad picked me up. On my knees. I used to…
  • 123—Yikes, not that I’m buying it but could you please provide like a list of fruits or veggies that are inflammatory according to Monica Reinagel? I’m super curious. Thanks. Luna blu, I know what you mean. I tried to eat 10 bananas once but I made …
    in Bananas... Comment by Samilicious
  • What’s changed? I didn’t notice anything. But thats just silly me, of course!
  • Me too! Peppermint tea is good too. I’ve tried them both and they are both helpful.
    in Nausea Comment by Samilicious