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  • I use the food grade peroxide. I simply spritz, let is set for a few minutes then rinse off. I also use the peroxide to keep my work area clean.
  • There’s actually a name for the condition and it seems to be quite common in vegetarians. It’s called carotenemia. Sounds kinda sinister, doesn’t it? LOL.
    in YELLO hands Comment by kevin7197
  • So far I’m loving it. It was a little overwhelming at first for some reason but I’m finally getting into a routine. I’m sprouting for a “Not Tuna, Tuna Salad” so I have alfalfa, sunflower and lentil sprouting at the moment. I haven’t tried any green…
    in vertical farming Comment by kevin7197
  • I just bought an Easy Green sprouter and it is my hope with time I will have a vertical setup! Hydroponics can be organic, it all depends on what is used in the process, much the same as conventional farming in the ground! Unknown by most people, so…
    in vertical farming Comment by kevin7197
  • I was diagnosed as hypoglycemic in 1999. It’s been a constant struggle to get things under control. The diagnosis forced me to think about food and diet for the first time in my life. I absolutely hate it! I have done a 3 day juice fast without inci…
    in hypoglycemic Comment by kevin7197
  • Leafy greens and algae are excellent sources of calcium! It would be better to educate yourself on where to get your calcium from and use that defense rather than bashing dairy. It’s such a mindset in this country, you won’t win using that argument.
    in calcium Comment by kevin7197
  • Ditto. I’ve said it often on this site, attraction rather than promotion works very well for me!
  • Ditto to Winona. I’ve followed these practices for some time without incident. There is an evaporative cooling effect which allows for the higher temp for no more than 2 hours with wet foods. Then you turn the temp down to finish out the process. If…
  • I’ve just about given up on raw corn chips because of the bitter taste. I’ve tried several approaches with the same results. I’m not sure bitter is the right term but certainly not pleasant! I’ve always used fresh, sweet corn right off the cob.
  • There’s nothing like good old fashioned research! When I see or hear a sentence that starts with “I heard”, ” I think I read somewhere” or something to that effect I know it’s time to do my homework. All too often information via the grapevine remin…
  • Thanks Meditating, I look forward to hearing about your experience!
    in Living Water Comment by kevin7197
  • Pianissima- OH MY GOSH! I didn’t mean to question waterbaby’s honesty, lol. I certainly hope I didn’t sound like I was. I like her as well! But I see so many posts that I find questionable. When I try to do the research I find the “claims”, “beliefs…
    in Living Water Comment by kevin7197
  • I know this isn’t going to be popular and I’m sure I’ll be lambasted for asking the questions BUT the questions begged to be asked. I did alot of searching for objective information concerning ionization of the water and info on this prill product. …
    in Living Water Comment by kevin7197
  • “Alive in 5” is a wonderful little book. It was a lifesaver for me as I was feeling very discouraged with all the unique ingredients and equipment that was required for so many recipes. Although I have gradually accumulated ingredients and equipment…
  • I find the topic a bit ironic. We have the largest population boom in our history approaching retirement age (baby boomers) and clear data showing a significantly smaller population following this group. IDK, I have two beautiful children and I’m gr…
  • So far that is what I have done without any issues. Seems to translate well!
  • Interesting. I wonder if it’s like almonds that can still be classified as raw even though they are now pasturized.
  • I’m on a chia kick I guess, lol. They make a great replacement for flax. No flavor or odor. They will take on the flavor of whatever they are combined with! I found chia seeds while looking for a binding substitute.
  • You don’t “need” to grind them but just like with flax you will reap more benefits!
    in chia questions Comment by kevin7197
  • To answer your question about chia in smoothies, you’ll want to figure on a ratio of about one part chia to 9 parts liquid. In a 16 oz drink, you would want about 2-3 tablespoons. Remember to grind them up to get the full benefits of the seeds!
    in chia questions Comment by kevin7197
  • Chia seeds will keep in gel form for up to 2 weeks! Definitely keep the gel intact, it provides many benefits!
    in chia questions Comment by kevin7197
  • Your addiction to raw food? I assume you mean cooked? lol I have briefly read about this family but I haven’t read their book. I’m not certain what inspired me to become raw. I remember seeing a raw book at my favorite healh food store and that seem…
  • I do agree that once transitioned there is less of a need to add certain ingredients, sweetener included. But to be fair, there is a HUGE difference between processed sugar and natural sweeteners such as agave or honey. To compare would be like comp…
  • It’s hard to say what the problem is since each food behaves in a different way. It could be the food was prepared improperly before dehydrating. My first thought though is the dehydrator itself. This type of dehydrator has alot of disadvantages ie:…
  • Hate to say it but avo’s have a very short shelf life. May I suggest freezing for future use? Just google “freezing avocados” for instructions!
  • I was curious about the gluten issue so I googled the topic. It appears that wheatgrass is harvested before the formation of gluten which is found in the grain itself. I can certainly understand a person being wary though!
  • Not to be critical but if it’s a natural way of eating, would it really be a challenge?
  • My only suggestion is to have it going all the time. The longer I have mine the more uses I find for it! I absolutely love my Excaliber. jsorensens, I had the same concerns about the noise when I first got mine. I guess I’ve gotten used to the noise…
  • I”m sorry, I’ve had sunburn to the point of sun poisoning. It’s theory that I’m not willing to test, lol! I’m a sun worshipper but I wear protection and avoid the sun in the worst part of the day. To do otherwise is just plain foolish, IMHO!
  • I’ve eaten raw potatoes for years without incident. I always peel them, including any green parts, cut them up and salt them. This isn’t an original thing for me, it’s been done in my family long before I came along, lol. Nobody dead yet!