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  • This is what one of the sites I frequent often, leafforlife.org had to say about this: (Imo, I'd rather have naturally occuring nitrates found in leafy greens than the nitrites in hot dogs and bacon :D) http://www.leafforlife.org/PAGES/LEAFVEG.HTM I…
  • Sucrose, in baby formula, has been banned in Europe. Here's an article that may help you explain this to your sister. http://www.cornucopia.org/2008/08/baby-formula-with-banned-sugar-sold-in-georgia/ And, as far as making your own baby formula, i wo…
  • Happy Birthday Sarah and miranimal!! Its my lil baby's cousin's (and she is a total miracle baby) 1st birthday today too, so thats why its special to me ;P but other than that, I have no idea what the signifigance is in the numbers. I'm sorry your d…
  • Your actual juices should be extracted, but I do have smoothies, I juice my greens and an apple so the only thing I'm blending is bananas or an avocado, at least one a day when I am fasting. So, you could do your regular juices (as many as ya want, …
  • I've done quite a few juice fasts, ranging from 3 days to 92 days. I've always lost some weight during the fast, but it usually seems to even back out to around where I feel I should be health-wise afterwards. You might want to try a modified juice …
  • Those are all really good recommendations eecho. Another thing that may help is make sure that you do your research and when they say What about protein...boom, you have an answer "I can get protein from raw x, y and z....what about calcium...I can …
  • Ohhh yes. I'm UBER sensitive to sulfites now that I have went raw. And, sulfites are in everything! I remember continuously getting out of the shower and I would be blotchy from head to toe and couldn't figure out what was wrong, then later did a wi…
  • I don't have a blog as of yet. Lol, I keep waiting for the summer to slow down so I can start one but, yeah, hasn't happened so far. And, with three lil ones, a job and school I'm a busy lil mama most days!
    in eye parasite Comment by juicefastfan
  • I can't wait to see your blog and watch how everything turns out. I'm on a juice fast right now as well, so holla! if you need any support with that. I don't now how I would do it if I didn't do it on the strength of God. It's amazing what He can ge…
    in eye parasite Comment by juicefastfan
  • Colloidal Silver is supposed to be anti-parasitic, and I know thats okay to use in your eye. I've used it quite a few times for different things, and was always pleased with the outcome. http://curezone.com/foods/silver.asp
    in eye parasite Comment by juicefastfan
  • No, I just meant for me specifically. I didn't mean anybody else had to follow those. I have found that it's easier on my system. She hadn't gotten any replies yet and I wasn't exactly sure what she was asking, so I was giving her examples of my own…
  • First, congratulations!! Thats amazing!! Second, I'm sorry, I don't know if I quite understanding what you're looking for as far as an answer goes. But as a "newbie raw foodie", I had the guru of all raw guru's tell me to just keep it as simple as p…
  • French Fries! I only have them maybe once every couple months when we go out and theres nothing else but a crappy chef salad with iceberg lettuce on the menu. Other than that I try to stay away from them cus otherwise I would want them everyday! I'm…
  • Dr. Richard Schulze has audio tapes available. I've thumbed through some of his books at a health store, and they seem like pretty standard stuff so he may be worth a look at. I've never purchased anything of his so I can't really tell ya too much e…
  • Just do as much as you can, as you can do it. I understand exactly. I'm a single mother of three kids, so I have to very carefully budget every penny I spend on everything, not just food. Lol, fortunately for me I no longer have to worry about a SAD…
  • Fenugreek, or tea with fenugreek is supposed to be one of the better herbs to take when trying to build your milk supply up. And, as others have stated its all about supply & demand. I am exclusively nursing my 9 month old baby boy right now....…
  • I always do live juices only when I have"tummy troubles". It still gives me the nutrients I need for the day, but gives my digestive tract the break it needs to restore itself. And, the previous posters are spot on about ginger being great for diges…
  • Lol, I know, it really is a continuing educational journey! And, I just checked out that rawfoodexplained.com website and ummm yeah...I'm doing pretty much everything wrong! That is one hardcore site!
    in Oil Pulling Comment by juicefastfan
  • I never even thought about it being in the Deadly Nightshade category! Doah! I just thought it was the acid or something. Weird, I can handle eggplant, although I only have a little bit at a time cus its not one of my favorite raw flavors. Geesh, I …
    in Oil Pulling Comment by juicefastfan
  • Isn't it crazy how much something like that can affect us? I can't do raw tomatoes at all, but cooked or processed never used to bother me. Must be an enzyme or protein that gets killed by the heat or something. Was it a raw sauce that you put on th…
    in Oil Pulling Comment by juicefastfan
  • I've never heard about oil pulling until now...but SO going to check it out! And, Emily, whenever I do a juice fast on the days that I know I am detoxing (whitish/yellow tongue, tummy cramps, general gross feeling) I always have a really sore throat…
    in Oil Pulling Comment by juicefastfan
  • There's a really easy test you can do at home to see if you have a problem with candida. First thing in the morning, get some water in a glass glass (or one you can see thru easily), then spit in it. If you have candida, it will look like gooey fing…
  • The only thing that I would watch out for is that the gelatin could be made from pork, or could contain MSG...why the heck it would is beyond me, but I read about it either on mercola's site, dr ben kim's or natural news...I can't remember but those…
  • Lol, mmmmm my name says it all as far as how I feel about juice fasts! I do them routinely. In fact, I am on a 30 day juice fast right now The reason you are probably feeling weak and dizzy is because your body is just not getting enough from the me…
  • Lol, this is exactly what I was looing for when I found this site. My daughter already told me to start finding something other than lettuce wraps with nut pate because she is so not eating that everyday this year! So, I'm eagerly awaiting some new …
  • I just use a little baking soda with a therapeutic-grade essential oil (usually thieves or peppermint) or through that same company (dunno if I'm allowed to say specific name of company on a forum lie this or if that would be "spamming??) I buy the …
  • Perfectly said Sarah Diggins!!
  • I have three kids...daughter 10 yrs, son 3 yrs, and new son 9 months....they've never had any immunizations, nor will they =), The only one I have fought with myself about is for tetanus, and ultimately decided not to do it, plus there are other met…
  • You are absolutely correct in your assumption RawLizard! Not only does juice count as a serving of fruit, so does things like jell-o and certain kinds of popsicles...applesauce etc... My aunt ran a daycare and was shocked when she saw the "suggested…
  • i agree Jaimie! I wish it was taught in schools too. I'm a homeschool mom, and we are part of a homeschool group that meets every other Friday afternoons, and just this year I have started teaching a basic nutrition/"cooking" (we don't cook a thang …