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  • A squirrel came right up to me as I was walking onto work one morning. I was the afraid it was going to attack me or something. But it just stood there as if to say “hi”. Also the rabbit that stays by our house followed me to the mailbox when I went…
  • I have been 100% raw for two days now. Previously I was about 75-80%. I can say I definately feel a difference. My skin is totally clear, I have so much energy, I’ve never felt so confident, and forgive me, but I feel so incredibly SEXY! (If only I …
  • Coconut Butter? I use it in my hair. I’m black though, So I use as a moisturizer instead of a gel, but you could give it a shot. http://www.cocopura.com/
  • Before: Spaghetti Manrinara with green peppers and onions. Now: Pineapples with strawberries. Oh, yeah and also, I love love love Raw Revolution bars. Especially the Chocolate and Coconut.
  • I’m an Aquarius too!
  • I have two Whole Food Markets about ten minutes from my place, and another one 30 minutes away. I’m just lucky I guess.
    in woohoo!! Comment by AzulBlue02034
  • Where do you guys get your cacao nibs from? Do you buy them online? I have been trying to find them at health food stores with no luck. Can you even find them in stores?
  • Moth, I totally understand where you’re coming from. I feel the same way. I get so depressed at times, it makes me sick and I just want to scream. But I just try to remember that there is only so much I can do. I am only one person, and getting angr…
  • No. Never heard of this one b4. What’s it about?
  • I’d go see a doc about that. I think it might have something to do with those enzymes you have been taking. Maybe your system just didnt recognize them and reacted that way. But do go to a doctor. He can provavly have some tests ran.
  • Thanks for the article 123!
  • Thnks you guys. I found this website to be very helfpful. I guess taking a supplement wouldnt be so bad.
  • I signed it. I didn’t watch the video though. I hate seeing poor innocent creatures begging for their lives. it brings me to tears everytime.
  • 25.
  • Thanks for that list Alix1962. Apples are on the top. Just as I expected.
    in organic? Comment by AzulBlue02034
  • I love this topic. It is something I have done serious thinking about. For now, I plan on remaining abstinent as my birth control. But when I am married, I plan on using a natural method of birth control like FAM or thermometers to determine when I …
  • Hi Rawmary, Don’t beat yourslef up. We all get cravings every now and then. When you give in, dont give up. Just pick yourself up and get back on track. Learn from it and move on. No one is perfect. And it’s not easy being raw with so much temptati…
  • Hi Marichiesa, I too am battling an autoimmune disorder similar to yours. I know how you feel. I know that sometimes it feels like it makes no difference in the foods you eat, but trust me it does. About 70% of the immune system in in the digestive …
  • I drink Green Tea for the health benefits. But I dont add anything to it like honey or agave nectar or anything like that. I drink it straight. It’s supposed to be easier on the digestive system that way.
  • I read that as raw vegans, we dont really dont need to be as concerned about poisons and toxins found in fruits and vegetables. We absorb more nutrients than our meat-eating and cooked-food eating counterparts. This enables us to fight off more infe…
  • Since being raw, not only have my menstral pains almost completely vanished, but they are a lot shorter! The last perod I had lasted only a day. And one month, I went through my entire period without noticing because it lasted for only a few hours!
  • Detroit, MI…and FREEZING!!!
  • I have been using lavendar scented soap made from all natural sources, or at least what I believe to be natural. And yesterday, for the first time after I rinsed it, misted it with rose water with my spritzer. And my hair was so soft. I had never fe…
  • I don’t have a myspace account…am I weired?
    in Myspace Comment by AzulBlue02034