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  • What about a coconut-y cream? I don’t have a recipe but you could do nuts, coconut, vanilla, agave, etc.
    in S'mores Comment by Superfood
  • What I consider “superfoods” are greens, especially kale.
  • You can do quinoa sprouts; quinoa is very high in protein and calcium! :) I usually get alfalfa, broccoli, radish, etc. sprouts, and you can also do sprouted garbanzos. Those are very crunchy. I eat them in a salad or by themself, and you can also d…
  • If I look at nutridiary for example, it says that 200 grms of spinach have 20% of your daily calcium needs, and spinach as it is is one of the vegetables that has the most calcium. I am going to have to get an awful lot of veggies to make up 100%, n…
  • I would say the only downfalls in your diet are the fish, chicken, dairy, and lack of sprouts. Cow milk is not a good source of nutrition for humans, and all of the animal foods you are eating have toxins in them that you will then pass on to your b…
  • When I first became a raw foodist, I was 80% and had a homemade whole-grain tortilla per day or so. Well, hot food sounds good until you are hungry and have to wait to eat for your food to cool down and/or burn your tongue. NOT fun and not worth it.…
  • Even if plants “had feelings,” it would still be best to eat a plant-based diet, considering how many plants are fed to the animals who are killed. 80% of the grain in this country is fed to “food” animals. Sorry, your little bubble argument doesn’t…
  • I did this as a vegan who ate some cooked….ate a whole bag of prunes (raw ones). Does that count? I didn’t have pain but was bloated the next day!
  • I use the crystal, nothing, or an unscented gel deodorant that’s vegan but not necessarily healthy. Reason being I have to drag a lot of equipment for work, I wear pants, and I get super hot and don’t want to smell too sweaty. I love going deordoran…
  • I know very litlte people who have NOT had eating “disorders” or “issues” with food. I think it’s not so much that veganism (I mean true veganism, which is for ethical reasons, including clothing and personal care items choices) attracts eating-diso…
  • I’ve been raw (80% and above, now about 99% and staying there) for almost 9 months now and I’m still looking for some sort of cheaper way, but I have a huge appetite. I can always work more, I guess. :p I am not stressing over it too much and hope t…
  • I’d say raw is enough, but sometimes we seek a higher conscious and health level….not knowing where it will take us!
  • I haven’t had a similar experience, but wanted to say congrats and hope you celebrate with a huge plate of fruit!
  • I haven’t lost weight, but I didn’t need to. I was already vegan for 5.25 years or so and very healthy, exercised regularly. I’m doing this for my skin and for the energy! :) BUT, that said, my calorie intake is up 150-200% without gaining weight (a…
  • Yes, you typically need more calories and fat during that time for your body to complete the menstruation preparation and processes. I’d be surprised if you weren’t like this before on a diet including cooked food….is this a new phenomenon for you?
  • Yes, I exercise 2-3 hours daily and I need more fat right now, just going by how I feel good and what I think my body needs. I don’t know how many pounds of produce. Most of it is organic. I probably spend 15-25 (US$)/day on groceries.
  • http://www.fitday.com/fitness/PublicJournals.ht… I don’t update it anymore, but you can get a general idea there. I am NOT on an 80/10/10 diet; I eat more fat than that.
  • Yes, more than adequate.
  • I’d also say my 1% or so non-raw (I don’t keep track, don’t care, but it’s minimal) is not a downfall. It’s not like I’m addicted to anything non-raw or feel I can’t live without X or Y. But that’s just me.
    in Our Downfall Comment by Superfood
  • I am about 99%. I use nutritional yeast in my salad dressing and also sometimes taste a bite of cooked vegan food I might make for someone else, to make sure it’s spiced well or tastes good.
    in Our Downfall Comment by Superfood
  • I would eat some gourmet raw or something spicy.
  • Sometimes on message boards, we hear things we don’t want to hear and/or get upset and blame a poster. If what I said had no merit, why not just laugh it off? You can’t blame me if you’re upset.
  • No, because many people have different stressors in their lives and they can still communicate with others effectively. I think to blame this all on detoxing or a raw diet is to take the blame away from yourselves. Everyone has issues with communica…
  • It sounds like you need to work on communicating with each other with love, not necessarily a “raw diet” issue.
  • You probably need to tell us what he’s eating and his exercise/physical activity, including work. Make sure you eat sprouts every day, along with greens and plenty of variety of fruit. Some people feel better with nuts in their diet; I’m one of them…
  • I don’t eat flaxseeds often, but if I do, it’s usually a pizza crust I made or something. I use flax oil and hemp oil in salad dressings.
  • I eat fruit or a salad. Sometimes a chocolate truffle (with nuts and fruit, maybe some agave, hemp).
    in Breakfast Comment by Superfood
  • Buckwheat would work, since it’s a fruit as well.
  • I put avocado oil on my hair once for a half an hour; it was great. I also buy a Talulah product with avocado oil to protect my ends. I used natural shampoos and conditioners for years prior to stopping; I think no poo is best for oil balance and bo…
    in Hair! Comment by Superfood
  • I don’t suppose we can remember everyone’s personalities and religions on here, so it’s probably best to keep the religious propaganda and jokes to oneself, considering we are bombarded with it sometimes on raw boards.
    in Hair! Comment by Superfood