bets, carrots and cooked tomatoes...

I am hoping someone can give me some more info about why these foods are unhealthy. I read briefly that carrots and beets are hybrids and therefore are somehow not healthy. Sounds odd to me, as I think of them (esp. beets) as being very healthy. Also, I have read that cooking tomatoes increases the amount of lycopene by like 10 times. But I have also read that they should be avoided.

Can anyone explain these things to me?


  • Well cooking will increase the lycopene in tomatoes yes, but decrease every other nutrient lol. It’s a bad trade-off. I believe raw is the most nutritious form but I still steam some veggies. I mean hell, if my weak point is freakin steamed vegetables I think I’m doing ok [ ;

  • yep, I LOVE boiled beets served with cut orange, and beet greens… that is my comfort food. I figure if my comfort food is cooked beets, then when my body craves it, I’m going to let myself enjoy it. :)

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