Does this happen to anyone else?

I have been transitioning for probably a month now. I can’t say I’m 100% raw. My job keeps me on my feet for 9-10 hours a day, so I need my energy! I tend to nibble a lot between meals.

What I’m experiencing since going raw is this – I’ll eat breakfast and lunch, as well as a mid-morning and mid-afternoon snack. To be honest, sometimes my afternoon snack is chocolate…but I’ve been trying to make my own rather than buying it. At any rate, I’ll be hungry in the am, have lunch, then my snack, then BAM! I am FULL, sometimes to the point where I am uncomfortable. By the time I get home, I’m usually ok to have dinner.

I just wonder if I am eating too many nuts (quite possibly) or if it’s the fibre? I did track my meals one day, and it was interesting to see how quickly I exceeded the daily limit for fat and fibre, while protein, calories and carbs (in that order) were down. In the am I do feel like I need the fat to feel full, while in the pm perhaps not so much.

Any thoughts?

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