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Fibromyalgia now much worse on raw. Any suggestions?

My fibromyalgia is much worse now after being raw for six months. It started flaring up really bad about a month ago. I have done some searching and have learned that new research shows that fibro, MS, ALS and even autism has been shown to be super prevalent in those with chronic Lyme


  • I don’t know much about this stuff. I’m just getting introduced to raw food through the book The New Optimum Nutrition Bible by Patrick Holford. I definitely suggest it because it contains so much more than just information on raw food. He also extolls the virtues of supplements, provides quizzes to help you assess your health needs and explains the science behind his findings. At any rate he specifically mentions magnesium malate as being especially successful in easing peoples’ fibromyalgia pains in as little as 48 hours after taking it. His diet advice is to eat plenty of magnesium-rich foods such as green vegetables, nuts and seeds. As far as supplements go he recommends a double dose of multivitamin and multimineral, a double dose of 1000 mg of vitamin C, a double dose of omega-3 and omega-6 capsules and 600 mg of magnesium malate. I really hope this helps you. I’m just sorry I can’t be of more help. I will pray for you. Good luck!

  • bittbitt Raw Newbie

    sometimes our systems are sick and we have to supplement them. we can use superfoods or greens or supplements or all of the above! i have 2 autoimmune diseases and was mis-diagnosed with fibromyalgia. try wheatgrass if you can.

  • rosehebrew- i’m very sorry to hear that you’re having flareups. since you are relatively new to the RAW diet, it could be the release of stored-up toxins that are causing you to have a flare-up. detox could take a while. i know how rough it is trying to lead a somewhat “normal” and healthy life while trying to cope with fibromyalgia. i was diagnosed with “fibromyalgia” ten years ago at the age of 19, but am starting to believe that it was a mis-diagnosis as well. i just started a RAW diet two weeks ago, hoping that it would help alleviate some of my symptoms, as well as “cure” my irritable bowel syndrome, depression/anxiety, obesity, and acne. after reading about several other individuals with the same symptoms/conditions who found relief after switching from a SAD diet to a RAW diet, i really do believe that fibromyalgia/depression/anxiety/fatigue/etc. are directly related to what the SAD can do to an individual. i’ve found that kombucha does help when i’m feeling extremely fatigued, and magnesium malate also helps with the muscle aches. you can get your omegas from flaxseed, which i usually add to a smoothie first thing in the morning. a little yoga also works wonders. also, make sure you get plenty of sunshine and fresh air!

    hang in there!! with summer just now kicking off, i think that it will be just a short time before you start to feel relief.

  • Great replys :-) and I would like to ad that Barley grass and wheatgrass does wonders. If you cant make it yourself you can get some great quality powders out there. Barley grass has done wonders for me for muscle pains. Lots of greens, greensmoothies is a great and easy way to get a lot of greens. Good quality omegas too; flaxseed oil and hemp seed oil.

  • lzhptlzhpt Raw Newbie

    At 6 months, RH, you should be doing much better than you are. I have one patient who is doing an amazing job with her fibro. management with diet, herbs, supplements and exercise. There’s no way of knowing without seeing someone really if you could be sensitive to the nightshade family—tomatoes, peppers of all kinds, eggplant as well as all spices derived from theses foods. Another factor to consider is activity. My patients with fibro typically do much better when they get moving ( though this is a fine line) Start with a 15 min. walk on a flat surface. Don’t add hills or any major changes in time/ mileage for at least a week. Move on gradually—no big changes or the body can rebel. One of my patients tells me regularly if she doesn’t do her Pilates home program, she is quite sore as well. She can reverse the soreness with her Pilates. Diet is a big part, but now you want to move those waste products out of your muscles with water and exercise as well as deep tissue massage. Have you ever had a deep tissue massage and the next day you feel like a truck ran you over? Not enough water. All these things you are doing are incredibly detoxifying to the body. Drink 1/2 the body weight in ounces of water daily and see if this helps your symptoms.

  • MeditatingMeditating Raw Newbie

    ROSEHEBREW – I am sorry to hear that your fibromyalgia is acting up. It is very debilitating.

    Fibromyalgia expresses itself in cycles. I doubt that you can contribute its resurrection to your raw food diet. It may have just been time for it to cycle again. I would not think that eating a diet rich in foods as nature intended would contribute to a flare up. Whenever a cyclical illness expresses itself we all try to look for what triggered it. There may not be a definite trigger.

    I hope you find remission again soon.

  • I have been doing furthe rreading on Fibromyalgia Is also very inline with immune system. So you might want to start treating that as well, research has also shown that the culprit could also be parasites in your body, you might want to get a stool and blood test to determine this as well.

    Start with increasing your immune defence and clearing your blood stream, this should help a great deal, and definitely take flax seed oil and carnatine.

  • rosehebrew, I went raw because of my fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome and was also having panic attacks…I started out just doing green smoothies and there is a great book on that called green for life by victoria boutenko and you can also do a search in the recipe section and get some green smoothie recipes…but people like us need more magnesium and you will get that by getting more greens and the easiest way is a green smoothie. Good Luck:)

  • Hi everybody. Thank you all for the time you have taken to give me your input. I am reading a book by Scott Brady, MD called Pain Free for Life. He dealt with chronic back pain and found by research from a Dr. Sarno that he had Autonomic Overload Syndrome that is caused by repressing negative emotions and boy am I the poster girl for that one. He formulated a technique to deal with this problem and got complete relief that the body med doctors could not give him and he did it without drugs. It has totally removed fibromyalgia pain for many of people who have done it so that is what I am going to do for now. It is a journey that sometimes takes two months just like getting back to real nutrition is but I am going to follow the whole routine and will see what happens. I am not going to live on pain meds. I will endure the pain first because you just need more and more and it is so destructive to your health. If you have chronic pain from a long ago back injury, fibromyalgia, IBS, or headaches I think his program is worth a try.

    I think that the reason it flaired up so bad after being on raw for 4 months was because I had much more energy. I started sleeping a lot less which was a sign to me and my doctor that I had gotten healthier. I was so depressed and enervated before that it was just crazy.

    I am going to get a high speed blender and get more greens in my diet but I can’t check for parasites as I pay all my money for health insurance (we have it through my hubby’s work and that really makes me mad) and it will not pay for things like that. Thanks again and if anyone else has any ideas let me know. Rosemary

  • I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and the reason I am going raw is to combat the illness. CFS and Fibro are very similar, and I have read a lot about raw being really beneficial in mananging it.

    I do find that I have to take a B supplement to prevent energy loss and pain, while I am detoxing. I am hopeful that one day, I won’t need to supplement. :)

  • rosehebrew – i started eating raw to ease my fibromyalgia and have had fairly good results. however, this is still an illness with periodic flare-ups, and right now i’m having one too. nothing in my life has changed but i’m exhausted and achy all over. i’m just trying to be kind to myself and ride it out. nothing else we can do!

  • I have lupus. I made improvements since going raw. Since I started 811, I feel even better. Get a copy of Dr Graham’s 80/10/10 diet book. Supplements are not only unnecessary they can cause more problems. Good luck!

  • I don’t really know much about fibromyalgia, but just recently I came across this: http://www.westonaprice.org/moderndiseases/fibr…

    There are a couple of views in there actually, this is basically what the article recommends diet-wise:

    “Keeping in mind the uniqueness of each individual, the diet that usually benefits a person with fibromyalgia is one that is rich in fresh vegetables; healthy fats such as olive oil, flax oil, fish oils, coconut oil and butter; and high quality animal protein with moderate amounts of carbohydrates. All processed foods and refined sugars need to be strictly avoided, especially if a yeast problem exists. Even fruit should be avoided in such cases.”

    Someone wrote in though to point out that according to St. Amand, fibromyalgia is caused by excess phosphates in the body, and that diet alone can’t fix it, but apparently something called guaifenesin can. In an answer they do recommend cod liver oil and saturated fats to help get rid of the phosphates.

    I’ve no idea if that works, but hopefully it’s of some help to you.

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    I believe everything is created spiritually before it is created physically – for me, a lot of times I have to work on clearing the emotions/thought patterns that created the illness, before the physical treatments will be very effective. Sometimes the opposite is true, and changing the physical things first helps me be supported enough to handle the emotional clearing. The book sounds good – changing ourselves for the better can’t hurt :)

  • cherie03, do you find that you’re much more sensitive now in what you can consider cheating than you were before? i can’t even think of the things i used to eat on a normal basis before and just considered them part of my diet, now a “treat” of gluten free cereal in almond milk or an evening out for indian food will make everything worse. i also find i can no longer eat larger amounts without feeling like i’ve been beaten. i just can’t believe i’m so sensitive now…i love being raw and everything, but i have to be so careful all the time or my fibromyalgia is TERRIBLE! The humidity this summer is making it hard too…it’s hard to motivate myself to take care of myself when sometimes it hurts so much anyways.

  • I was taking strong meds for fibromyalgia and didn’t like the effect they had on me…dizziness, sleepiness, nausea and stomach pain (I have a hiatal hernia), and most times they didn’t even touch the pain. I stopped taking the meds without my doctor knowing and did research.

    I noticed if I slipped up and ate dairy, meat, or chocolate (I was vegetarian then vegan) the fibromyalgia acted up big time. I stay away from meat, dairy and chocolate and want to be 100% raw. I am approx. 50 to 75% raw, but if I eat chocolate…cooked or raw, the pain starts. I’ve read there is something in chocolate that actually changes your DNA! Now I can understand why it would affect muscle, ligaments, etc..

    Chocolate, dairy and meat are pushed so much on tv, etc., that it’s killing us and making the health industry rich!

  • Something else I wanted to say on the subject: I also have arthritis and osteoporosis and thought this pain was one or both of them. The doctor did tests and x-rays. It’s not. This is lumps in the muscle of my shoulders (not cancer) and is very painful. Also, the biceps and triceps are affected big time.

    If any of you are eating chocolate (even if it is raw) take notice if within hours you start getting muscle pain.

  • My best guess would be that you’re going through a detox period… I remember hearing that it comes in waves. It definitely did for me….I had a very subtle detox in the beginning, and it was exactly six months after going raw that this next wave hit. I used to get horrible bladder infections prior to going raw, and at that six month point my body released it all and I haven’t had a hint of a problem since!! Wasn’t too fun, though… very painful!! Hang in there!!

    Love & Light

  • Hi I have Fibro too and have gotten sooo much relief from a mostly raw diet AND and elimination diet. Check out the books I share in my profile. The Fibromyalgia Solution contains the Elimination Diet. It helps you find out what foods you’re intolerant to. So far I haven’t added anything back because I’m feeling so much better I don’t want to go back! I have figured that garlic triggers worsened symptoms for me though. So I encourage everyone with fibro to try the elimination diet. Also…has your activity changed at all? are you walking or working out regularly? When my activity level goes down I get increased soreness. Cardio activity produces endorphins which help your brain mask the pain by bringing your pain theshold back up to a closer to normal level. Dr. Dryland explains it really well in The Fibromyalgia Solution. I stongly recomend the book if you haven’t read it yet.

    Also, are you off all of your medications? Sometimes your body is intolerant to them or the ingredients used in making them. Check out the sideaffects. That may be contributing to the flare up especially if your body is trying to detox from them.

    I don’t think Lyme is the problem. Your Doc. could run a blood test to rule it out. Don’t be afraid that you got Lyme. They thought I had it too…but it’s really not that contagious. Plus you can be healed of that as well. If your Fibro flare up includes NEW syptoms that are related to Lyme syptoms then maybe you do have Lyme…but if it’s just the regular syptoms flaring up you probably dont have Lyme. Either way it really doesn’t matter, your giving your body the BEST and it can heal of everything known and unknown to you.

    I’ve still had some flare ups with feeling better over all. I think the reason for one is that I was stressing myself out over minute aspects of my life..you know making something bigger than it was…and the other time was that I wasn’t eating enough. I lost weight because it was sooo hot and I didn’t feel like eating and was too lazy to make real food (green smoothies, salads etc.) so I just snacked on quick easy things fruit, fruit, and more fruit…NOT GOOD. Fruit still raises sugar levels and my body is too sensitive for that eating pattern. So ya…eat veggies.

    Praying for you, Kate

  • I’m not a scientist, but my first thought is MSM powder (for the inside- helps connective tissue/makes organs and tissue more supple) and magnesium oil (for the outside- topical pain treatment). These just happen to be the two things i’ve been reading about lately. Good Luck/Blessings.


  • I have Fibromyalgia, arthritis and allergic asthma. I have been on so many meds over the last year. At one point I was on Vicotin around the clock and it did nothing except set off migraines. I stopped the Vicotin, but then started methotrexate for rheumatoid arthritis. I ended up also on steroids for asthma. I was at my very lowest at this time. I gained 40 lbs in a year and was unable to exercise. I have been on disability for the last year. About 6 weeks ago I hit obese and decided I was ready to do something about it. A few months ago I got a new rheumatologist and he said he did not think I had RA and took me off the methotrexate. A week later I could hardly move my knees from the swelling but then the swelling and pain went mostly away. I was started on anti-depressants for the pain and slowly got better. Much of the brain fog lifted and I stopped crying all the time. I thought finally meds were working. Recently I had to stop some of my meds for allergy testing and forgot to take all of them over the weekend. I was surprised to be breathing fine and pain free. I continued to avoid the steroids and continued to feel fine. I started exercising and still did not have trouble breathing. For the first time I felt soarness from exercising but it went away the next day. I told my doctor I will not take the steroids anymore. I started raw on a high note and hope I can get off my meds when I am 100% raw. I have more energy now than I have in a long time. I still have days when I am done at 6 pm and crash. I also am not pain free but am able to mostly ignore it. I am only 33 and finally feel my age instead of 90. I go back to my doctor in a few weeks and wonder if he is going to send me back to work. I am feeling so good but also remember how I was when I could not work anymore. I was in a high stress job working full time with 2 kids who are on the autism spectrum. I worry that stress and other factors set me up for Fibromyalgia and do not want to go down that road again. I plan to get out of my field when I do start working again.

  • Have you ever tried EFT? (www.emofree.com)

    It is simple and FREE to learn and practice, and there is a good track record with clearing out old emotional baggage to help your body return to its natural state – PERFECTION. You may also want to research TAT (Tapas Accupressure Technique). That is also free to learn. I’ve also done Quantum Techniques, which is not free but really works well.

    In my case of healing from debilitating allergies, psoriasis and IBS symptoms, avoiding nightshades for a few months was quite important. Food toxins can be a BIG component of autoimmune conditions!!!

  • BluedolfinBluedolfin Raw Newbie

    jenoz~ Great timing! Thank you. Dr. DiCenso is interviewing a guy about EFT (I’m not getting the internet show in very well so I will download it later) and I wanted to get more info on it. I know that EFT has been mentioned before on this site, I’m just getting around to learning about it. 8S Did you know there is a movie that was recently made about EFT, similar to the Secret movie called something like “Try It On Anything”? I was looking for that and an EFT site that looked trustworthy to no avail…

  • emofree.com is the official EFT website, and it has a short movie that had the involvement of someone from The Secret. The best part about EFT is that IT WORKS!!! You have to be persistent sometimes, but it does work.

  • queenfluffqueenfluff Raw Newbie

    This woman cured her Fibromyalgia with raw. Maybe you can get in contact with her? Her name is Emily and she is very nice and helpful! :) Here is her website below.


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