Fruit Juice Fast

Okay…..something new to me. I am on a raw juice fast (both fruit & Vege) for however long I need to detox and than I am going completely raw. Back to the problem. I have had a fruit juice in the morning (banana, strawberry, orange, melon, greenfood) for about a week now. In the afternoon and evening I am drinking vegetable juice (yuck). After I drink the fruit juice in the morning, I start getting itchy (arms and legs) and feel like my bladder or urinal tract is burning. I have had yeast in the past when I consumed a lot of wheat products. Could this be candida? If so, could it be tied to the fruit juice?

I don’t want to give up the fruit juice because I enjoy it so much and I don’t care much for the vege juice, love veges….just not juicing them. Any idea on which fruit I could use that won’t make me itchy or with less sugar? I dread continuing this fast without fruit.

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