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Scared to go raw

I’ve been getting really excited lately about transitioning to raw, but I am also scared that I won’t do it right. I want to be sure I get enough of what I need. What if I have a peice of something cooked? I also want to start working out, building muscle.

Any recommendations on websites or books I should read?

I want to learn as much as I can, but it is hard trying to run a full time business at the same time.

Thanks in advance,



  • DreaDrea Raw Master

    Well, Im surely not an expert but i went threw the same thing. My heart was raw before my pockets, recipes, equipment etc. What I did was incorporate as much raw as possible until I was able to get everything I needed. Youtube is a great place to look at videos on recipes and the raw lifestyle, this is where I started! Plus this website is great!

    I too run a full time business, so I feel your concern, but once you get into it, it gets easier. And you will feel so much better, you wont even think about it.

  • ZoeZoe Raw Newbie

    A great book is 12 Steps to Raw by Victoria Boutenko. And Sunfood Success Systems, and Natures First Law- The Raw Food Diet, by David wolfe.

    There is also a lot of solid free information on the website I run with my husband, check it out here at Purely Raw

    I run two businesses, I wouldn’t be able to do that if I wasn’t raw!!

    It depends on you, but a lot of people transition slowly. Starting off cutting out processed foods, then meat, then dairy and slowly increasing their raw food. It is a good idea to make recipes so that you don’t get too many cravings. And eating a lot of greens also helps to balance you and stop cravings. Just jump in there and give it a go. Remember it isn’t raw food that is harmful, it is cooked food which harms you. All the protein, calcium everything is right there in the raw food. There are a few raw body builders, check out Storm at The Garden Diet He’s Raw vegan for over 30 years!!

  • i also think The Raw Food Detox Diet by Natalia Rose is great for those in transition to raw foods! it has five different levels of raw that you can eat on and detailed outlines for each, plus a bunch of easy delicious recipes! i eat raw much more simply now, but i don’t think i would have been able to swallow the idea of all raw if i hadn’t tried it in steps and realized each step made me feel tons better!

    and dont’ worry about slipping up and eating something cooked. it won’t kill you!! :)

  • thecavsmanthecavsman Raw Newbie

    Different things work for different people, but what I have always done (and still do) is write down everything I eat. I have been 100% raw since mid April and I still keep the food diary so I can always look back and see what I did best/worse eating. But for transitioning processes, it has another purpose – it makes you own up to what you eat so that you don’t have to deal with your own conscience seeing that cooked meal on the paper when you knew the plan was to be raw.

    More importantly, though, I think, is believing in your ability to eat all raw. Think of all the raw stuff you know of – every fruit, veggie, nut that you have access to – and learn that this is your food source and imagine yourself eating only this food. Then you can buy up as much of whatever you want and eat as much as you want. A financial incentive may be to buy a little more than what seems like a weeks worth of raw food so that you have to eat it before it goes bad. I don’t know just throwing some things out there that I’ve done.

  • Hey ‘thecavsman’ I read your profile and I’d like to say I’m not too far from you(new york) and I am a raw girl that’s 21. I just started about a week ago after fasting for about 9 days. Now I’m about 75% raw, but today was almost 100. It’s kind of my first week so I’m LEARNING A LOT. The money thing is kind of an issue but it seems to be working. I love it! It’s so worth it.

  • daniefondaniefon Raw Newbie

    Hi, I have been raw for about 6 months. Building muscle is no issue. I have been working seriously for a trainer for one year, half of that I have been raw. We measure my body composition regularly. I have actually put on MORE muscle raw! And, I am 43 years old, putting on muscle is easier when you are younger! I worried that I would lose any progress I’d made going raw, that absolutely didn’t happen. My previous diet was low fat, low carb vegan. I know alot of people go from cheeseburgers and fries to raw and see big changes (of course), but all I did was stop cooking and I have seen many positive changes. I think a big thing that helped me go and stay raw was making sure I had stuff that I loved. Instead of worrying about the cost of a mango, if I wanted one, I got one. I also really thought about what I would like to have before I ate anything. I know that when I don’t and just eat what is handy, I often feel unsatisfied. So, I stop and think and then eat, that makes me feel much more sated and therefore have fewer cravings.

  • bittbitt Raw Newbie

    the best advice that the folks here gave me was if you eat something cooked, there is no reason why you can’t go back to eating raw. in fact for me after about a month or so I had a few bites of some cooked items. it only solidified that I wanted to remain raw. some people seems to do better going raw all at once, some people need to transition slowly. I needed a few days to kind of test it out. And I thought there was nothing to eat at first. I was wrong. I was working full time when going raw and fighting major illness but somehow it all worked out. You will have to eat a lot at first, more than you’d think.

  • Wow! Thanks ya’ll for all this wonderful info. Greatly appreciated. This place is awesome!!!!

    What about fasting, or detoxing? Is that necessary? Or is detoxing eating raw?

  • WinonaWinona Raw Newbie

    Eating raw with cause your body to detox. It’s best to include some fats in your diet, so that you don’t detox too quickly. A blog that is AMAZING and will give you tons of info about detox is



  • troublesjustabubbletroublesjustabubble Raw Newbie

    Hey Bitt is right about each to his own as far as the transition. For me I had to make a conscious decision to go raw and I had to do it all at once. I know others who can’t handle that. My detox was minimal.

    Raw eating is definitely a detox but if you do juice occasionally after being raw you’ll find you can still detox even more. I encourage anyone to do a couple juice days a month to help keep your body pure.

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