cheap substitute for nut milk
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Recipe Directions

soak ROG overnight. blend with aosking water and strain through cheesecloth. add water too taste. you might want to start with more oat grouts because you can always add more water if it is too thick for you.

save the pulp to make oatmeal cookies or eat plain (or with agave) for breakfast.

Hannahmarie's Thoughts

By hannahmarie

cheap substitute for nut milk

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oat grout or buckwheat which is considered an herb should sprout with in the same day a long white root if it is raw

steel cut oats are cut ups oats which which is considered a grain and are a completely different thing and very difficult to find raw even online

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to sprout oat grout/buckwheat soak any where from 2 hours to over night and rinse 3 times a day making sure to rinse till the waters clear starch can inhibit the sprouting process

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where do you get raw oat groats? i know the ones sold in stores are all steamed


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Steel cut oats are not raw. They are oats that are sliced and cooked. You can buy raw oat groats at health food store. I have not had a problem finding them. I have, however, used steel cut oats to make oat milk. Tastes very "oaty" though! I'm wondering if using non-roasted oats, the raw sprouted ones instead, will yield a less "oaty" tasting milk. Anybody had any experience with this? It is much cheaper than nut milk!

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Some people don't recommend using the soak water because it is full of enzyme inhibitors that come out of what you are soaking.

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tree ear~ Do you suggest rinsing the oats because you are sprouting them? I would think that would wash away some nice nutrients. I just dumped the everything in the blender. If you don't hear from me again, that was the wrong thing to do... ;-)

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BTW, not knowing how much the oats were going to expand (I was mainly soaking not sprouting, if there is a difference?) I put them in a small bowl and filled it with water... almost overflowed. lol

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OMG, I just “milked†an oat cow @ 3am! It’s 3am and I was hungry. I had some oats soaking that I was actually going to “blow off†and throw away due to not being motivated to do something with… well, I got motivated and boy was it worth it!! I followed the above recipe. What I got was some creamy milk (it really felt like I was milking the oats in the cheese cloth) and an amazing raw oatmeal. The texture of the leftover oats is like regular cooked oatmeal. I’m currently eating it with walnuts, maple syrup, nutritional yeast, and cinnamon. YUMMY!!! I can see using the squeezed out oats as crust for something also… mixed with some herbs and other stuff for a savory pizza or the a crust for a dessert like an apple tart. I just can’t believe the texture. How could those hard little grains become a smooth oatmeal without cooking. Who knew? Try this recipe! I'll try the milk later after it chilles a bit. I like my "milk" cold. :-) Thank you Hannahmarie.

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to sprout oat grout/buckwheat soak any where from 2 hours to over night and rinse 3 times a day making sure to rinse till the waters clear starch can inhibit the sprouting process

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oat grout or buckwheat which is considered an herb should sprout with in the same day a long white root if it is raw

steel cut oats are cut ups oats which which is considered a grain and are a completely different thing and very difficult to find raw even online

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i think the difference is steel cut is just cut up oat grouts. i think (?) they are still raw, though.

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I was wondering about this aswell. I've been trying to sprout oat grouts but nothing seems to happen. Does this mean I'm doing something wrong, or that they're just not raw - like most wild rice? Do oat grouts also have high levels of silica?

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Is that the same as "steel cut oats"?

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sorry, i meant to say SHOULDN'T be steamed. i don't think there is an edit button :(.

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oat grouts should be steamed. they are different from rolled oats. i got mine at my local co-op in bulk.

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where do you get raw oat groats? i know the ones sold in stores are all steamed

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