Recipe Directions



1 cup of reishi mushroom tea, or herb tea of your choice (plain water work as well)

About 5 medium size tomato

1/2 cup of sun dried tomato (soaked in worm water for about 20 min)

1/2 of avocado

1/4 of onion

1 clove of garlic

small piece of ginger (grated)

Desire amount of olive oil

Desire amount of lemon juice

Dash of cayenne pepper (or more if you like)

Pinch of sea salt, black pepper and cinnamon


Few sun dried tomato (soaked in worm water for about 20 min)

Dash of olive oil

1/2 teaspoon of honey

Pinch of sea salt



Put all ingredients in to a blender and bend until smooth.


Put all ingredients in to a food processor or grinder and process until smooth.

Pour soup in to a bowl, drizzle some sauce and top it with herb.

Limpodia's Thoughts

By Limpodia

You can also put toppings like sprouts or marinated mushroom (marinate mushroom in nama shoyu and olive oil for 10 min) to enjoy something different.

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