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  • Hello all! You are all very inspiring and so my sister and I started the cleanse on Monday. I have been doing well except for one thing that I was hoping you could help me with. I have not had a REAL bowel movement since I started. I have tried the …
  • I know that when you detox or are going through a transition, your eyes can reflect that change. If there is anyone in your area that does iridology, you can have them look at it, or http://www.detox.net.au/articles/iridology-eyec… provides a chart …
  • I’ve heard all sorts of reasons why, such as the sun “baking” hydrogenized foods settled under the skin layers, animal proteins, etc. There is a great book called The Healing Sun. It details the history of sun bathing and how beneficial it is to us.…
  • Mine has to do with emotions. For the most part I can withstand any sort of temptation that comes my way – and believe me there are a lot! My fiance is a great cook. But when I get upset all I want to do is eat bread and cheese (my comforts) and ice…
  • I had the same type of symptoms several years ago and they turned out to be migraine headaches. I read somewhere that it was due to a vitamin B deficiency so I started taking a B complex and they went away. But to be sure you could get it checked ou…